
Systemic consulting

The team dedicated to systemic consulting for the digital transformation of content production and distribution processes.

Logo Hyphen Formula

Systemic consulting

The team dedicated to systemic consulting for the digital transformation of content production and distribution processes.

Logo Hyphen Formula

The value of vision

We propose technological solutions for the management of content production and distribution processes, but we are convinced that solutions are not enough if they are not governed within a wider systemic design.

This is why we have always accompanied our customers along the entire path of using new technology.

From strategic design to implementation, up to the management and daily optimisation of solutions.


We adopt a model aimed at a systemic vision of the organisation in the processes of assessment and accompaniment strategic to the client’s evolutionary paths.

The Method

For over twenty-five years we have been basing our consultancy projects on the TOC (Theory of Constraints) model: a bottom-up approach that starts from the collection of undesirable effects experienced by the client and proceeds backwards to the definition of the underlying conflict and the cognitive assumptions to be invalidated in order to resolve the conflict. This is followed by the construction of a robust conceptual map (future reality tree) that guides the definition of an operational transformation plan (prerequisite tree) that is highly customised to suit the client’s reality.

Digital Transformation consultancy

Digital Transformation consultancy

3D consultancy


Want to know more?

Book a tech-meeting with us

_Think _Connect _Learn

Il nostro approccio prevede una prima valutazione di impatto o assessment a supporto delle attività di progettazione volto a fornire maggiore garanzia della qualità e del valore dei nostri progetti.
La metodologia che utilizziamo in fase di analisi è ispirata alla Teoria dei Vincoli (TOC) ed è supportata dalla conoscenza profonda dei contesti in cui operiamo.

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