
Publisher & Agency

The Hyphen solutions supporting Editors, Agencies and their clients, to shorten the life cycle of projects, lower production costs and optimize and manage the entire content production line, from the brief phase to distribution of the assets.

Digital Content Factory: the centralized management of digital content

_ Content Team

Editorial production process

The solution for planning and monitoring the editorial production process.

_ Content Team

Content Production

The solution for planning, producing and monitoring the brand and product material.

Our case history

The Chalco Brand Life Suite represents the solution that Mondadori used to optimize the production process of its content, establishing a secure collaboration with the resources outside the organization and reducing time-to-market.

Hogarth, thanks to the Chalco Brand Life Suite, manages resources and the production process of digital communication and promotion materials, with maximum control over the entire process and the elimination of redundant activities.

Pearson optimized the multi-channel editorial process through the Chalco Brand Life Suite platform and guaranteed secure collaboration with resources outside of the organization, thus reducing time-to-market.

Want to know more?

Book a Tech@Meeting with us.

*Campi obbligatori

*Champ obligatoire

*Mandatory field